~~~ GOT KALO? ~~~

Saturday, December 14, 2024, 12-5pm
KA’Ū Herkes gym complex, pahala
‘O Ka’ū Kākou proudly held
the first annual, first on the Big Island, Kalo Festival:
"Kāniwala Kalo O Ka’ū"!
The festival was a celebration of all things Kalo!
The afternoon featured live musical entertainment, hula dancers, lucky number prize drawings, Kalo youth Ali'i Court coronation ceremony
and a wide array of vendors featuring all things Kalo: all kinds of foods, arts, crafts, jewelry, live plants, baked goods & more! Entertainment included games, keiki IDs, face-painting, cornhole games & Pahala Taiko Drummers.
All money raised from this event by
‘O Ka’ū Kākou went to the OKK Scholarship Fund.

~~Festival Vendors & Taro Products~~
Alan Moores: kalo paintings & prints
'o ka'u kakou: festival t-shirts & live taro plants
Ka Lae Quilters: fabric crafts
Kamakanaokalani's: kalo crocks, jewelry & apparel
Paradise Preserved: kalo hummus, freeze dried pa'i'ai
Wong Yuen Hui: kalo mochi & kulolo
Fused Fragments: kalo sun catchers & nightlights
Ka'u Hospital Charitable Found.: salad greens w/taro chips
Sugar Sweet: freeze dried poi
Taylor's Bears: kalo themed stuffed teddy bears
Hana Hou Restaurant: poi ahi poke bowls
Ka'u Civic Club: chicken laulau stew
Lynda Nolte Watercolors: kalo watercolor images
Tools for Quantum Living: taro popsicles & laulau seasoning
Ku'u Ihi Flowers: kalo boba drinks & poi balls
Pua'ala LLC: kalo bags, towels, clothes & coasters
Sel's Lunch Wagon: laing (kalo w/coconut milk, meat & seafood)
Ka'u Creations Boutique: kalo key fobs, pouches & bags
Ohia Creations: kalo tiki lights & magnets (carved in wood)
Looking Glass Art: kalo stained glassworks
Woods of Hawai'i: kalo wood carvings & boxes
The Artist Vei: kalo cards, portraits & images
pohaku coffee: taro smoothies
'O Ka'u Kakou: t-shirts, taro plants, corms & leaf
**in addition to the taro-related products listed, vendors will be offering a wide variety of other non-taro items**
~~Festival performers & Entertainment~~
Opening protocal & ceremony by Pahala Kupuna
Youth ali'i court coronation ceremony
Pahala adult Taiko Drummers
Keoki Sereno - ukulele
Na 'a'alil'i Hula Group - Hula dancing
Pahala Seniors Ukulele Players
the South Hawai'i Symphony
hawai'i police dept.: free keiki ids
hawaiian telcom: taro patch game
cu hawai'i credit union: taro mix & match game
'o ka'u kakou: corn hole toss game
the club at discovery harbour: taro mini golf game
free keiki face-painting
taro varieties & growing tips
~~Lucky number drawing prizes~~
Gift cards from HPM Building Supply, Don's Grill Hilo, locavore store hilo
Gift Certificates from KTA Superstores,
Ono Café Volcano, Flyin' Hawaiian Coffee,
Polished Pina Nail Salon, wyatt's place restaurant,
a Unique Boutique, ocean view pizza, The artist vei
gift baskets from aikana coffee, elizabeth crook doterra
Free round of golf for 2 and cart rental
from Volcano Golf Course