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Saturday, December 14, 2024, 12-5pm
KA’Ū Herkes gym complex, pahala

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‘O Ka’ū Kākou is very excited and proud to announce

the first annual, first on the Big Island, Kalo Festival: 


"Kāniwala Kalo O Ka’ū"! 


Please plan to join us to celebrate all things Kalo!

  The afternoon will feature live musical entertainment, hula dancers, lucky number prize drawings, Kalo Mō’i and Mō’iwahine (King & Queen) coronation ceremony

and a wide array of vendors featuring all things Kalo:  all kinds of foods, arts, crafts, jewelry, live plants, baked goods & more!  All money raised from this event by

‘O Ka’ū Kākou will go to the OKK Scholarship Fund

and to the OKK Ka’ū Educational Center.

This fun event is just in time to stock up for your holiday feasts and gifts. 

The Pahala Lighted Christmas Parade follows the festival at 6pm.

Check back to this website for updated vendors & sponsors information,

or follow OKK on Facebook for updates.

Come for the Kalo, stay for the parade!

‘O Ka’ū Kākou is seeking event Sponsors!

To download a sponsor form to submit via mail click below:

To sign up as a sponsor via online click button below:

Sponsor deadline:
Sept. 30th!

‘O Ka’ū Kākou is seeking event Venders to sell:

  • LauLaus

  • Kulolo

  • Live plants

  • Corms

  • Taro Leaf

  • Poi

  • Taro Chips

  • Squid luau

  • LauLau stew

  • Kalo apparel items

  • Kalo print items

  • Kalo prints/photography

  • Kalo Jewelry

  • Kalo carvings

  • Kalo artwork/paintings

  • Kalo tea

  • Anything else involving Kalo

To download a vendor reservation form to submit via mail click below:

To reserve a booth online click button below:

Vendor deadline:
Oct. 30th!

‘O Ka’ū Kākou is seeking Ali'i Court Contestants!

A Coronation Ceremony will occur at the event to crown a Mō’ī and a Mō’īwahine. Ka’ū residents under the age of 25 are eligible.  Contestants must be able to attend the event for the Coronation Ceremony and participate in the Pahala Lighted Christmas Parade that evening on a parade float.

If you have questions or concerns about becoming a vendor, a sponsor or an Ali'i Court contestant, please contact Tim at email or 808-582-2342 phone/text.



We extend this invitation to all vendors to join us at this event.  Vendors selling goods are required to sell at least one item that is “Kalo” related.  The event will feature a non-compete arrangement for all vendors to prevent vendors from selling duplicating Kalo items;  first-come, first-reserved.  Non-profit vendors are given first opportunity.  Vendor booths are approximately 12’x12’.  There is no cost for a vendor booth, however we request that 15% of your gross sales made at this event be donated to OKK to support local students in the Ka’ū District. 

Vender Terms & Conditions

Hawai'i County Dept. of Parks & Recreation requires vendor permits for each vendor selling goods on County Properties. Vendors will be required to provide the following for a vendor permit:

  • A copy of a current, in good standing Hawai'i State General Excise License; or a copy of a 501(c)3 tax exempt status IRS for non-profits.

  • Food vendors will be required to obtain a permit from the State Dept. of Health.

  • Open flames are prohibited on the property.

Do you need electricity for your booth?
Do you need a table for your booth?
Vendor Booth Reservation Form

Become an Event Sponsor

We wish to extend this invitation to businesses to join us as a sponsor for this event.  There are 4 levels of sponsorship available:  Diamond, Gold, Silver and Kokua.

  • Diamond sponsors:  $2,500 or higher.  Diamond sponsors receive a publicly announced 30 second commercials by the event emcee twice per hour during the event (9 times total), company banner displayed in a prominent location, corporate logo printed on all t-shirts and promotional posters and materials, 3 free event t-shirts and a free 12’x12’ booth at the event.

  • Gold sponsors:  $1,000-$2,499.  Gold sponsors receive a publicly announced 30 second commercials by the event emcee once per hour during the event (4 times total), company banner displayed in a semi-prominent location, corporate logo on all promotional posters and materials, 2 free event t-shirts and a free 12’x12’ booth at the event.

  • Silver sponsors:  $500-$999.  Silver sponsors receive publicly announced short commercials by the event emcee twice during the event, display of company banner, 1 free event t-shirt and a free 12’x12’ booth at the event.

  • Kokua sponsors:  donation of gift certificate(s) or other prize(s) for lucky number drawings during the event.  Event attendees will receive raffle tickets to be drawn randomly for prizes donated by Kokua.  Kokua donators will be publicly acknowledged by event emcee when their prize is being drawn for.


**If under age 18, parent / legal guardian consent is required

Ali'i Contestant
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